Magic Precon Search

Search all published Magic the Gathering Commander precons for cards you need for your decks as well as other valuable cards. This way you can find out which precons are most valuable to you (prices based on scryfall).

Simply enter the names of the cards in the text field (one card name per line, preferably copied from sites like Archidekt), select the desired currency and click on search.

Precon wanted cards valuable cards remaining value total value
Qty Val Qty Val
Precon Qty wanted cards Val wanted cards Qty Cards > 1€/$ Qty Cards > 1€/$ Val cards < 1€/$ Total Value of Precons

Once the search is complete, you can click on the arrow at the front of the table to see all the cards that are relevant to you. By clicking on the column headings you can sort the table as desired. Clicking on the precon name will open the deck overview.

On smartphones it is advisable to view the page in landscape or desktop mode.

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